Kool Kleen Inc. is a certified and a member in good standing of the International Kitchen Exhaust Cleaners Association.
Exhaust system cleaning shall include interior of all accessible exhaust system ductwork and exhaust canopies and the interior of exhaust removal blowers as accessible. Issues of exhaust system access must be brought to the owner’s/facility manager’s attention. Kool Kleen Inc. makes customer satisfaction their number one priority,
Positive cleaning methods shall include but not to be limited to the following processes or a combination there of:
At the close of cleaning operations exhaust blowers shall be restarted, all access doors utilized during cleaning shall be replaced and fastened, dampers positioned for proper exhaust airflow and electrical switches and system components returned to operable state.
Resultant mess generated during the cleaning operations will be properly cleaned up, job generated debris shall be placed into the appropriate job site refuse container, and the kitchen facilities left ready for use by the kitchen staff.
Certificates indicating the date of cleaning, the name of the firm providing service and areas not cleaned shall be provided for each cleaning of the kitchen exhaust system.
All services shall be performed in a workman like manner and shall comply with applicable standards as set forth by the National Fire Protection (NFPA). Section – 11.4.12/11.4.13 and International Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning Association (IKECA).